How to rename multiple files in Windows

There are a few ways to rename files at the same time, the first one being nice and simple. When renaming a specific file, you can press the Tab key to jump down to edit the name of the file directly below it. This will save a lot of clicking and extra key presses if you wish to rename a string of a few files very quickly. 

  • If you’re looking to rename several files in the same folder to the same thing (with ascending numbers at the end to differentiate between them) then you can hold down the Ctrl key to select multiple files at once.
  • Once you have your desired files select, press F2 and you will be able to edit the name of the top most file while the rest of the files remain selected. Type your preferred file name here and hit enter and all of the files will be renamed to your selection and numbered in brackets too, so you’re able to tell them apart.