Getting a selection of e-mails quarantined instead of automatically delivered is one of the many essential safeguards we rely on for e-mail security.  By correctly using the quarantine system, the system will 'learn' from each message you flag as phishing/spam or as a legitimate correspondence, reducing the amount of e-mail that is quarantined for your account in the future.

If you receive an e-mail with the subject line "Barracuda Email Security Service Quarantine Notification" that means our anti-spam/phishing systems were not sure how to classify a message sent to you as legitimate or not and has deposited the message into our quarantine for review.  

If this is the first time logging into the quarantine system, the site will ask you to set a password.  Please choose a secure password that you can remember for the next time you use quarantine.  You very rarely have to go through the log in screen on a frequently used computer after the initial validation process.

Click on 'View Message Log' to continue to the management system:

This will bring you to the Settings ribbon by default. Please select Message Log in the ribbon located at the top. If the message is older then two days please drop down the 2 days menu and select a time frame where the message will be displayed and hit the search button located to the immediate right of that menu.  Then you can Select the message in question:  

Review the message and select 'deliver' or 'delete' based on the content.  

...and that's it!  When reviewing the e-mail please keep your cyber security awareness training in mind (for a great overview of how to evaluate legitimate correspondences you can use the following resource: ).

If you are confident that the e-mail is legitimate, maybe it was an e-mail you were expecting, or a subject line that would be very difficult to fake, you can immediately retrieve the message without going to the quarantine system by hitting the deliver button:

Questions?  Comments?  Submit a trouble ticket to or give us a ring at (508) 495 7400.

-Falmouth I.T. Department